St. Barbara is the patron saint of architects, artillerymen, builders, fire prevention, miners and thunderstorms.
St. Barbara was the beautiful daughter of a wealthy man named Dioscorus. When her father discovered that Barbara had become a Christian, he became enraged and brought her before the local prefect.St. Barbara was sentenced to be tortured and beheaded.
St. Barbara's father carried out the sentence himself. On his way home, he was struck by lightening and his body was consumed.
St. Barbara has often been depicted in art. She is represented standing in a tower with three windows, carrying the palm of a martyr in her hand. Often she holds a chalice and sacramental wafer. Sometimes cannons are displayed near her.
In 1969, Saint Barbara was officially removed from the Catholic calendar but remains a popular patron saint today.
Oh God, who among the other miracles of Your power, have given the victory of martyrdom, grant, we beseech You, that we, who are celebrating the heavenly Blessed Barbara, Your Virgin and Martyr, may by her example draw nearer to you, Amen.